Saturday, 29 May 2010

Having a Gas!

On an earlier blog post I was ranting on about my dissatisfaction with my current job, and that very much remains the case, but the good news is I only have 3 days left! Hoo hoo!

I have been offered, and accepted a traineeship with British Gas.  I am in 3 weeks time going to be a Smart Energy Expert (Trainee)!! my new role will involve replacing gas and electric meters and replacing them with new Smart Meters.

This is the sort of job I have been after for a while because it involves intensive training and therefore will stimulate my mind and challenge me, and it gets me out and about meeting people and covering quite a big area, I get a van, laptop and mobile but basically I will be responsible for my own day and own time.

It was not that easy to get, so I am quite proud of myself.  I spent about 6 hours over a couple of nights filling in the long, online application form back in November and I heard nothing at all for several weeks.  I decided to email and was told the advertised jobs were coming up all through 2010 and I would hear in due course.  Then it all moved pretty fast, I was given a telephone interview in February then a week later I had to go to the British Gas Academy  no less and here I had a panel interview with 2 people, a role play exercise, and a wiring exam, as well as filling in various forms.  The interview was pretty relaxed and you were able to make notes and were given a list of questions they might ask, prior to it starting.

Then finally, on March 4th they rung me and offered me a place! I was a bit shocked!

Looking back on it and my previous post, this job was meant to be,  it was an intensive selection process and i didn't cock it up and it is the only job i have seen advertised that I have got!

I have been wanting to blog about it since I got offered the job but I only resigned last week from my current job due to the long period before starting, but now i have read the post , i think its incredibly boring and for that I apologise!

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