Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Life is Great (...ish)

Generally speaking life is not too shabby, pretty good really.  I am lucky to have a lovely wife who really cannot do enough for me and we have our brilliant little girl who has really enhanced our life and our relationship.

I have an issue though, it is almost a cloud hanging over me and if I let it, I thnk it might get me down but i wont let that happen.  There is this niggling thought that wont go away that there is something missing from my life and i cannot pinpoint it, although I think it maybe lack of career.

I am really not that happy in my job, and i think if i changed it my life would hopefully feel a bit more complete.  Now dont get me wrong, I really enjoy working with a lot of the people i work with and i think if i did leave a fair few of them would remain friends but there is a lot more cons than pros as far as i can see.

Now obviously most people at this point would be thinking well get another job then, and this is certainly something i would like to do but that is proving easier said than done!

My biggest weakness and I suppose biggest fear is job interviews, and I just cannot crack them.  This frustrates me a lot because I feel i can turn my hand to most things and given the right training i could be pretty good at a lot of different things but no matter how much research i do and how hard i try, interviews seem to beat me everytime.

Of course I have had successful interviews in the past or i would never have worked but when i look back at them they were not difficult at all and certainly not what mordern day employers would consider to be a satisfactory part of the recruitment process!

A big part of the problem is I am 33 next week and I have no idea what I actaully want to be doing, i never have had really, at school i wanted to be a Dr but i was not academically up to that, and probably too lazy, then i wanted to be a police officer, that was a disastarous interview!  Me being me, was not happy to apply for Kent Police, i thought the Met would be more exciting, i filled in the form and got an interview, but it was horrible, i couldnt even give a valid answer as to why i wanted to work in London when I lived in Kent which has a very good police force of its own and it went down hill from there!

If I could decide what i wanted to do it would make the whole process easier but i just cant.  I trail through loads of jobs websites and look out for things i like the sound of but then there arises another issue, I have never successfully got a job that has been advertised, all my jobs have been speculative enquiries or word of mouthm so i wonder are the job sites a complete waste of time?

There is probably a lot more I could write on this subject but i dont want to go on too long but if anyone has any fail safe interview tips or indeed any cool jobs they want filling, give me a shout!!


  1. You've got your priorities right in that you have a home, a wife, and a lovely daughter. The rest is smallfry compared to that.

    Okay, so not very helpful tips but put it all into perspective and getting a job should be the easiest thing to do.

  2. I know, just get frustrated (and skint!) sometimes!!

  3. Im sort of in a similar boat mate. I am fed up with commuting and just sort of fell into marketing. But it's not something that makes me happy at all. I have applied for a few jobs recently and my last interview was disastrous.

    I too don't know what I want to do, but know it's not what I'm doing. As adem said, work aside, you've got more boxes ticked than many people with 'good careers'. I'm sure inspiration will come from somewhere. If not, fancy going into bank robbery with me?
